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About Pixie Technologies UK
About Pixie Technologies UK, We do provide customized solutions from digital branding to Web Development & SaaS platforms
Best Free CRM For Traders with Inventory Management
Get started with Pixie business-specific CRM for free, Wholesalers, Traders, Distributors, Manufacturers & Retailers
100% Free Industry Specific E2EE And GDPR Compliant CRM
100% Free up to 5 clients, No Credit Card or Billing Details are required upon signing up for a free version.
Integrate Pixie CRM with 55+ third party applications
Integrate Pixie CRM with 55+ third-party Applications - E2EE
Fully GDPR Compliant E2EE End-to-end Encrypted CRM Software
Fully GDPR Compliant E2EE End-to-end Encrypted CRM Software
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