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Leading Consultant's CRM of New Zealand

Pixie Client Management stands out as the premier software solution
for consultancy firms across New Zealand. Renowned for its intuitive
interface and robust features, Pixie has firmly established itself as the
go-to platform for managing client relationships and projects efficiently.
With its comprehensive suite of tools, including client communication
management, project tracking, and financial reporting, Pixie empowers
consultancy businesses to streamline their operations and deliver
exceptional services to their clients. Its user-friendly design and
customizable options cater perfectly to the diverse needs of consultancy
professionals, enabling them to optimize their workflows and enhance
productivity. As the top choice for consultancy firms nationwide,
Pixie Client Management continues to set the standard for excellence
in the industry, driving innovation and success for its users.

Get Started with free version! (100% Free up to 5 Clients).

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What is CRM?

The CRM or Client Management Software developed by Pixie Technologies UK is a robust, comprehensive solution designed to optimize client interactions and streamline business processes. With its user-friendly interface, powerful automation capabilities, and seamless integration with other tools, Pixie’s CRM enables businesses to manage client relationships effectively and efficiently. It offers a centralized platform for storing client data, tracking communications, and generating insightful reports, thereby enhancing productivity and decision-making. By leveraging Pixie’s CRM, businesses can deliver personalized and consistent client service, foster stronger relationships, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth. Pixie Technologies UK has crafted a versatile and indispensable tool that meets the evolving needs of modern businesses.

New Zealand's Leading Client Mangement Software For Consultants


In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, consultancy firms in New Zealand face numerous challenges in managing client relationships, projects, and financials effectively. However, with the emergence of advanced software solution Pixie CRM / Client Management, these challenges are being met with innovative and comprehensive solutions. This essay explores the reasons why Pixie has emerged as the leading software platform for consultancy businesses in New Zealand, examining its features, benefits, and the impact it has had on the industry.

Overview of Pixie Client Management Software: Pixie Client Management is a sophisticated software platform designed specifically to meet the needs of consultancy firms. Developed with insights from industry experts and tailored to the unique requirements of consultancy businesses, Pixie offers a wide range of features and functionalities aimed at streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and delivering exceptional client service.

Key Features of Pixie Client Management:
One of the key reasons behind Pixie's dominance in the New Zealand consultancy software market is its rich set of features. From client relationship management (CRM) tools to project tracking and financial reporting capabilities, Pixie provides consultancy firms with everything they need to manage their operations efficiently.

Client Relationship Management (CRM): Pixie allows consultancy firms to maintain detailed client profiles, track interactions, and manage communications effectively. With features such as contact management, activity tracking, and email integration, Pixie enables firms to build strong and lasting relationships with their clients.

Project Management: Pixie streamlines project management processes by providing tools for task allocation, progress tracking, and milestone monitoring. Consultants can easily create project plans, assign tasks to team members, and track project deadlines and deliverables, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Financial Reporting: Pixie's financial reporting capabilities enable consultancy firms to track revenue, expenses, and profitability accurately. With customizable reporting templates and real-time financial data, consultants can gain valuable insights into their financial performance and make informed business decisions.

Time Tracking and Billing: Pixie simplifies time tracking and billing processes, allowing consultants to record billable hours, generate invoices, and track payments effortlessly. By automating these tasks, Pixie helps consultancy firms streamline their billing processes and improve cash flow management.

Benefits of Using Pixie Client Management:
The adoption of Pixie Client Management offers consultancy firms in New Zealand a multitude of benefits, which contribute to its widespread popularity and adoption in the industry.

Enhanced Efficiency: By centralizing client data, project information, and financial records in a single platform, Pixie eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors. Consultants can access relevant information quickly and efficiently, allowing them to focus on delivering value to their clients.

Improved Collaboration: Pixie facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a centralized platform for sharing documents, communicating on project tasks, and collaborating on deliverables. With features such as real-time updates and notifications, Pixie ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

Better Client Service: With Pixie's CRM tools, consultancy firms can provide personalized and responsive service to their clients. By maintaining detailed client profiles and tracking interactions, consultants can anticipate client needs, address concerns promptly, and exceed expectations, thereby fostering long-term client relationships.

Increased Profitability: Pixie's project tracking and financial reporting capabilities enable consultancy firms to optimize resource allocation, track project profitability, and identify opportunities for cost savings. By improving operational efficiency and maximizing billable hours, Pixie helps consultancy firms increase their profitability and achieve sustainable growth.

Case Studies: To illustrate the real-world impact of Pixie Client Management on consultancy businesses in New Zealand, let's explore two case studies of firms that have successfully implemented Pixie and experienced tangible benefits.

Case Study 1: XYZ Consulting:XYZ Consulting is a medium-sized consultancy firm specializing in business strategy and organizational development. Faced with growing client demands and increasing competition, XYZ Consulting recognized the need for a comprehensive software solution to streamline its operations and improve client service. After evaluating several options, XYZ Consulting chose Pixie Client Management for its robust features, user-friendly interface, and scalability.

Since implementing Pixie, XYZ Consulting has experienced significant improvements in efficiency, collaboration, and client satisfaction. The firm's consultants can now access client information, project details, and financial reports from anywhere, at any time, enabling them to work more effectively and respond to client needs promptly. With Pixie's project management tools, XYZ Consulting has been able to track project progress, allocate resources efficiently, and deliver projects on time and within budget. As a result, the firm has seen an increase in client satisfaction scores, repeat business, and referrals, contributing to its overall growth and success.

Case Study 2: ABC Advisory Services:ABC Advisory Services is a boutique consultancy firm specializing in financial advisory and risk management services. With a small team of consultants serving a diverse client base, ABC Advisory Services faced challenges in managing client relationships, projects, and finances efficiently. Seeking a solution to streamline its operations and improve profitability, ABC Advisory Services turned to Pixie Client Management.

Since adopting Pixie, ABC Advisory Services has transformed its business operations and achieved significant improvements in productivity, collaboration, and profitability. The firm's consultants now have access to a centralized platform for managing client interactions, project tasks, and financial data, enabling them to work more effectively and deliver exceptional service to their clients. With Pixie's time tracking and billing features, ABC Advisory Services has been able to streamline its billing processes, track billable hours accurately, and generate invoices quickly, resulting in improved cash flow and revenue growth. Additionally, Pixie's reporting capabilities have provided ABC Advisory Services with valuable insights into its financial performance, enabling the firm to make informed business decisions and drive sustainable growth.

Pixie Client Management Software has emerged as the leading CRM software platform for consultancy businesses in New Zealand, offering a comprehensive suite of features and benefits designed to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional client service. By centralizing client data, project information, and financial records in a single platform, Pixie enables consultancy firms to improve efficiency, collaboration, and profitability, driving sustainable growth and success. As consultancy firms continue to navigate the challenges of an evolving business landscape, Pixie Client Management remains a vital tool for achieving operational excellence and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

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Built-In Features of Pixie CRM


Pixie CRM allows you to keep in track your invoices, items and generate reports. Add new currencies, using multiple currencies is allowed by previously setup customer currency. Invoice with different tax based on item.

Recurring Invoices

Create recurring invoices that will be re-created automatically without you lifting a finger, based on the specified period for the recurring invoice. The period could be days, weeks, months, or years.


Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Receive notification when proposal is accepted/declined and auto send thank you email to your customer after accepting the proposal. Proposal overdue notice before X days available.

Projects / Case Management

Manage projects and track time spent on projects for each staff member. Record project expenses and invoices and bill your clients faster. Professional Gantt Chart included for each project and staff member.

Leads Management

Leads or potential clients are a really important part to any company. Every company is trying everyday to get new leads. Very often some potential client calls and asks for a specific service that your company serves and then sometimes this is forgotten. With Pixie CRM you will never forget your potential clients and you will be able to manage all of them in one place. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop. Ability to auto import leads from emails and web to lead forms, import leads from .CSV file included.

Contracts Module

You can add new contracts based on your clients. Adding contracts is very simple, you can set start date and end date and have a clear view of all your company contracts in one place. You don't need to search your desk documents anymore. Create PDF contracts and send to your customers from Pixie CRM. Contract overdue reminders available.

Custom Fields

Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads, tickets, invoices, company, estimates and more.

Staff Reminders

Setup staff reminders for staff members with ability to notify by email and built-in. Reminders are available for important features.


Create private or public events. Receive notification when an event is coming built-in and email.

Email Templates

Setup predefined email templates from text editor. Merge fields available and multi language options available. Make your CRM completely whiltelabel with automated email alert system.

Pixie TLS/SSL SMTP Email Server

Send unlimited TLS/SSL Secured emails (automated / manually) through your CRM dashboard to your clients, with the guaranteed inbox landing feature.

Personal Todo

Every staff member can have their own personal todo dashboard which will allow your staff member to easily organize their work.

Company News Feed

Share great company events, upload documents, and easy employee communications.


Create surveys with one click. Send to staff, leads, clients or manually created mail lists. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.

Knowledge Base

Add knowledge base articles from the text editor. “Did you find this article useful?” vote included in the clients area.

Auto Backup Database

Setup an auto backup database each X days to prevent losing your important data.

E2EE (End-to-End Encryption)

Pixie CRM encrypts all sensitive data in the database with a unique encryption key. And E2EE (End-to-End Encryption)  performed on email passwords, api keys, client's data, api passwords etc.

Google AUTH & reCaptcha

Google reCaptcha available for admin login, customer login and customer register area.

Activity Log

Track all staff activity. Adding new items, creating, deleting.

Automated End-to-End Encrypted Backups

Media Library Module

Staff Management Module


Easily manage your customers and their contacts, create multiple contacts for your customers, and set proper permissions. The Customer area is fully separated from the admin area. Clients have their client portal with all financial data from your company presented in clear view.

Recurring Expenses

Creating recurring expenses. Set up a recurring expense and the expense will automatically be re-created after the specified period. The period could be days, weeks, months or years.


Create an estimate within a minute, sent to your customers and wait to accept, add notes for better organization for your next actions, create reminders. Ability to auto convert the estimate to invoice after customer accepts.

Accept Online Payments

Receive payments from Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Authorize.net, 2Checkout, PayU Money and Braintree, we have implemented payment gateways that are available in most of the countries or you may integrate any custom developed payment gateway and utilize desired API.


Create milestones for projects and track time spent based on milestones. Ability to Drag and Drop tasks between milestones.

Web to Lead Forms

Create unlimited web to lead forms and inject in your landing page or website. This feature allows you to import leads into Pixie CRM from form. Use the web to lead forms to gather potential clients information, allowing them to request quotes directly from your website.

Support Tickets / HelpDesk

Great support ticket system with auto response, private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, predefined ticket replies, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, ticket statuses. Feature for auto importing tickets via Email Forwarder/IMAP method included. Let your customer reply and create new tickets via email, without accessing the client portal.

Departments / Email Piping

Assign your staff to specific departments and the ability to auto import tickets by department email, even support ticket number shall be allocated automatically with the client's intimation through email, WhatsApp or text alert system.

Whitelabel / Theme Customization

Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. To fit best for your needs create custom.css and add your own styles.

Easily re-organize admin menu

You can reorganize the admin main menu and the setup menu in a few seconds, you need only to login in your admin area. No coding is required. Add/Remove icons to fit your needs.

Staff Roles & Permissions

You can give staff specific permissions on what they can or can’t do. Role permissions can be overridden for each staff member.

Goals Tracking

Setup goals and tracking achievements. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.

Staff Panels

Manage all your staff members from one place.

Staff Tasks

Assign tasks to multiple employees, add task followers, task comments allowed, task attachments. Link tasks to many Pixie CRM features and stay organized.

Recurring Tasks

Create tasks that will be auto created for a given period.


Reports Sales, Expenses Report, Reports by customer, Custom date picker, Leads Conversions, Knowledge base articles (Track if your article is useful to clients, improve text based on votes)

Media Library / Client Database

Upload files in the media library. Each staff member that is not admin has their own folder for uploading files. Also your client's database through secured encrypted databases.

100% Responsive & Compatible

Pixie CRM is fully responsive. You can easily access your data from mobile or tablet.

Google Authentication (Additional Security Layer)

Google Authenticator can be enabled for admin, clients & users login pages.

Action Hooks

To prevent editing the core files we created action hooks for some important functionalities. Send us an email if you want us to include another action hook based on your needs.

Project Milestones Module

Best Leading Client Management Software with CRM in all major cities on New Zealand.

3500+ Service Providers or Professionals use Pixie Client Management Software in Auckland, New Zealand.

6500+ Service Providers or Professionals use Pixie Client Management Software in Christchurch, New Zealand.

4000+ Service Providers or Professionals use Pixie Client Management Software in Wellington, New Zealand.

2000+ Service Providers or Professionals use Pixie Client Management Software in Hamilton, New Zealand.